Young Voices 2023 x Blue Peter
The voices of our LGJS pupils are supremely important to us. This week we have enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate their beautiful singing voices in the most exciting way, thanks to the dreams of one of our pupils, coming true!
Over the past year, members of one our popular co-curricular clubs, Young Voices, have been working diligently under the encouragement of Mrs Wolfe and Mrs Tuck, to learn inspirational songs and accompanying dance moves ready to join ‘The World’s Largest Choir’ in Birmingham for #YoungVoices2023.
This prompted proud pupil, Iyla to write to Blue Peter and inform them of her and her friend’s excitement and achievement. Impressed with their accomplishments and recognising the gravity of such an event – we were joined by the radiant Mwaksy, @cbbc Blue Peter Presesnter, and her expert filming team who followed Iyla and our LGJS Young Voices on their journey to the event. We were delighted to be able to share how wonderful it feels when we sing together, here at LGJS.
Young Voices members are now proud owners of their very own #BluePeterBadges and a wealth of fantastic memories to cherish. The episode of Blue Peter will be aired on Friday 3rd February and we can’t wait to share our journey with you!
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