
LGJS Learning Support

Learning Support works across the complimentary school settings of Leicester Grammar School Trust to listen and support a child’s best learning and health. The Department helps pupils and teachers, based on a clear understanding of how an individual learns and responds to interactions. Working together in partnership, a pupil, their parents, specialist services and the School can enable individual success. 

In line with national SEND orders, and in the context of national definitions for SEND, the Department promotes inclusive whole school approaches and works with pupils in each school who have a specific health need, learning need or disability. The Department makes use of pastoral and academic information, whole-school screening and data analysis across the Trust to identify pupils who may need some support to reach their potential. Specialist support is within the context of what is reasonable and appropriate, given the selective basis of the Trust and the emphases in each school. Across the Trust, provision is delivered through Specialist Teachers, the School Nurses, and Teaching Assistants.

Learning Support includes:

  • Developing whole-school approaches to inclusive teaching and learning
  • Working with pastoral and academic staff to offer timely and personalised support
  • Providing a learning offer for identified groups of pupils, such as English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • Offering specialist teaching and coaching as small group or 1:1 intervention
  • Offering in-house screening and assessment for specific needs and Exam Access Arrangements
  • Signposting a pupil and their family to other specialist services
  • Delivering provision in Education, Health and Care Plans within the context of the Trust's entrance process.

If you and your son/daughter are considering Leicester Grammar Junior School, Leicester Grammar School or Stoneygate School, we would be delighted to meet you. Please contact the School to talk to us or arrange a visit. We seek to work in the best interests of the individual child. If you make an application for a place, it is a requirement that you provide all information and submit any/all specialist services' reports/letters detailing individual needs.

The Trust’s SEND policy can be found alongside the other school policies here