
Infant Harvest Assembly

Proud parents and relatives gathered today to watch LGJS KS1 children give thanks at our Infant Harvest Assembly. Led by Rev'd. Helen Whittaker, this inspiring Assembly was a highlight of the Autumn Term, with cheerful song Harvest offerings presented by all of the classes. The produce will be going to a very worthy local cause -  the Jubilee Food Bank in Market Harborough, who provide food for local people in need.

The Foodbank was set up in 2012 to support local families and individuals who were in food crisis. At that time, they supported one or two clients per week. Fast forward to 2019, and the Foodbank has supported 1410 local people in food crisis so far this year. Our Foodbank is run entirely by volunteers, from the Management Committee to the Store Room Volunteers, to those at the Front Line who deliver the food. They rely entirely on donations of dried and tinned food from members of the public, businesses and local charities. This enables them to provide 3 meals and snacks for 3 days for each person who is struggling to buy enough food to survive. 

Donations to the LGJS Junior School Harvest Festivals will come to us to help local families and individuals and will be vital in enabling Jubilee Foodbank to continue their service throughout the winter months.